

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

All I Want for Christmas

There's a voice I use. It's demanding and sharp. It usually comes out when we're running late. Or when I'm hungry. Or when things feel out of control with the chaos of 4 kids. Or when it's just been a long day. Most of the time I don't recognize how ugly it sounds. Simply because I'm not on the receiving end. But then a moment arises where my first born says something to his siblings that is so demanding and harsh that I cringe. Because I realize he sounds just like me.   
Lately, I've had to ask Henry's forgiveness for being a harsh example. 
We're a lot alike Henry and I. Luckily, we have Matt.
And he is the antithesis of harsh and demanding.
He is patient. And he speaks with loving authority. I admire the way he communicates with our children. His example speaks volumes to them and to me. And luckily, Henry longs to exemplify Matt. I realized this morning just how much.
Yesterday Matt and the kids were sitting at the table together making their Christmas lists. I found Matt's list later that evening ...
When I read his list I fell in love all over again and said a prayer of thanksgiving for my children's father. And then this morning, as I was making breakfast for Henry, I noticed he was bent over his notepad adding something to his Christmas list. Yesterday he had packed it full with the following:
 Bike, science kit, The Croods 3D, calculator, building kit, and light like Claire's
But this morning, after seeing his dad's Christmas list, Henry added one last thing:
color with Claire
I read Henry's list after he left the table. And I fell in love with him all over again and said a prayer of thanksgiving for my son.
Dear Heavenly Father -
Thank you for the gift of family.
For my children who long to be like their parents.
For my husband who encourages us with his words and actions.
Continue to grown in me a heart that is overflowing with tender words.

1 comment:

  1. Lynette,
    I LOVE your posts! I love how you write and I love your heart. I could so relate to this one as I know what it is like to have a wonderful husband who is an incredible dad! I am so thankful too. :-)
